Monday, February 4, 2008

Example of PLN Blog

Super Tuesday is super close for

This article reviewed a discussion on Meet the Press where both democratic supporters and republican supporters were talking about how Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama are still working hard for the nomination. James Carville points out the differences between the candidate and what makes each one better. Although it seems like he supports both, he leans a little more towards Clinton. He also, however, points out her flaws in not being able to admit she was wrong about the Iraq War. Republican Matalin also seemed to support Clinton. She also mentioned that the Republican race is less heated.

I found this article interesting in the fact that the Democrats were both supportive and critical of the candidates. I find myself leaning more and more towards Barack Obama, but I know that my mind will not made up until I research this topic a little more.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Read, Reflect, Respond #5

Today you are going to post your fifth personal blog regarding an article from your PLN. Be sure to follow the guidelines we reviewed in class. Be thoughtful in your reponse and be sure to give the article title and publication from which it came

Read, Reflect, Respond #4

Today you are going to post your fourth personal blog regarding an article from your PLN. Be sure to follow the guidelines we reviewed in class. Be thoughtful in your reponse and be sure to give the article title and publication from which it came

Monday, December 3, 2007

Read, Reflect, Respond #3

Today you are going to post your third personal blog regarding an article from your PLN. Be sure to follow the guidelines we reviewed in class. Be thoughtful in your reponse and be sure to give the article title and publication from which it came.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Read, Reflect, Respond #2

Today you are going to post your second personal blog regarding an article from your PLN. Be sure to follow the guidelines we reviewed in class. Be thoughtful in your reponse and be sure to give the article title and publication from which it came.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Read, Reflect, Respond

Today you are going to post your first personal blog regarding an article from your PLN. Be sure to follow the guidelines we reviewed in class. Be thoughtful in your reponse and be sure to give the article title and publication from which it came.